
30 10, 2019

TCC in Favor of 2020 Transportation Appropriations Amendments

2020-01-15T20:41:20+00:00October 30th, 2019|Tags: , , |

On Oct. 30, the Transportation Construction Coalition sent a letter to the Senate addressing possible amendments to the FY 2020 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill. The coalition supported the following amendments: Barrasso Amendment 1034 which would repeal Sec. 1438 of the FAST Act, the current federal surface transportation law, which requires the rescission of [...]

15 04, 2019

TCC Urges Senate to Address Investment Shortfalls

2020-01-15T20:06:18+00:00April 15th, 2019|Tags: , , |

On April 15, the TCC sent a letter urging the Senate to advance an infrastructure bill to address the shortfalls in investment in our transportation system. The group noted the recently released study, Renewing Our Commitment to the Interstate Highway System: A Foundation for the Future, which makes the a strong case for Congress to pass an [...]

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